The Bereavement Ministry of Sacred Heart Catholic Church offers several programs for individuals suffering from the loss of a loved one through death. These programs are faith-based and open to all who wish to share their thoughts and feelings of grief in an understanding and safe environment.
Grief to Grace
(resumes August 28)
10AM - 12PM
St. Andrew's Room
Contact: Sr. Mary Aloysius, OCD
(760) 346-6502
Registration not required; drop-ins welcome
“Understanding and Processing your Grief”
8 week support group
Day: Wednesdays
Dates: new group in Fall 2024; date TBD
Time: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Place: St. Andrew's Room
(Located behind the Church)
Cost: $25.00 (one-time payment -- includes all materials)
Registration required
Registration forms are available near the church entrances or in the parish office. Once completed, please return the form to the parish office.
Contact: Kathleen McIntosh, MA
Bereavement Ministry Coordinator
Google Cell: (619) 432-2345
We can be reached via Google cell for telephone support (English)
(619) 432-2325
“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.”
– Helen Keller
Grief has no time limit and requires us to feel the feeling and express our needs to others. Be brave and share your feelings about your loss and the pain you are experiencing. Embrace your emotions and refrain from hiding or denying your feelings. Let those around you know that you need their support, and ask for help when necessary.
Parent Bereavement - providing support to parents who have suffered the loss of a child
resumes fall 2024
Call the parish office to register
(760) 346-6502
Ministerio del Duelo FE Y ESPERANZA
Los jueves
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
St. Andrew's Room
haga clic aquí para más información