Usher Ministry

Ushers needed at all Masses
If you would like to be a doorkeeper in the House of God please contact, Cary Gerken 760-328-2473
Jesus used his disciples as ushers when he sent them to prepare the way for his arrival and in the way they assisted the assembling crowd and directed those in need.

Today, Ushers are the doorkeepers in the House of God. They attend and guard the doors at all times during mass services. In addition to the Parish Greeters, an usher is one of the first persons of church authority a parishioner or guest meets as he/she enters the church.

A recognizable Usher is usually the person to whom parishioners direct their questions. Although the weekly church bulletins are usually prominently displayed for taking, Ushers respond to questions regarding bulletins, mass schedules, celebrants, collection envelopes and many other matters.

An Usher is the walking concierge of the church and is usually perceived by church attendees as the knowledgeable contact. For instance, although we have a designated “Suggestion Box,” it is not unusual for an Usher to receive verbal comments or suggestions during the time preceding and immediately following the mass. Since Ushers are perceived as officers of the church, it is only natural that parishioners approach them.
The obligations and duties of the Ushers are not only to distribute the weekly bulletins and pass the collection baskets, they also serve as greeters, public relations representatives, spiritual “Guardians of the Gates,” Eucharistic ministry workers and/ or assistants, messengers, information sources, crisis and emergency handlers, waiters, crowd and security control officers, and are an extension of the physical rules and policies established by the Parish Pastor.
Each mass Usher Team should consist of at least five (5) properly uniformed ushers with badge. Ushers are to be stationed at the usual busy doorways and aisles.

Each team should have a designated leader or spokesperson to maintain continuity as a team unit.

All Ushers should arrive at church at least thirty (30) minutes prior to the appointed mass. This allows sufficient time to obtain a badge and jacket from the sacristy and to insure the church is properly prepared for the arriving parishioners and guests.

All pews should be cleared of any debris, papers, and bulletins. Missalettes and song books should be in their proper racks.

Collection baskets should be placed in their aisle positions.

Greeting and assistance in seating of fellow church members should be a pleasant action for all concerned.

Jesus Spreading the Good Word