Little Rock Ponder Series Bible Study Year C on ZOOM



Two weekly ZOOM sessions are offered. Please choose the one that fits your schedule:

Ponder: Contemplative Bible Study Book cover

Tuesday evenings at 6:30pm


Wednesday afternoons at 1pm

Little Rock Logo

Discussions are approximately one hour. 

Bible Study begins during the week of January 26, the Third Sunday of Ordinary Time.


For more information or to receive the ZOOM link, please contact Liz Nabie at


Bible Study Sessions are based on the weekly mass readings found in the Ponder book. The text of each reading has a commentary after it. Each discussion is based on the following four questions from the weekly Gospel Newsletter Lectio Divina:


1. What word or words in this passage caught your attention?

2. What in this passage comforted you?

3. What in this passage challenged you?

4. What conversion of mind, heart, and life is the Lord asking of me?


The book Ponder Year C hard copy is out of stock at Amazon, but Kindle is available.


The hardcopy can be purchased from Little Rock through the Liturgical Press at