Virtus / Safe Environment Training

  1. Register for an account for VIRTUS: Protecting God's Children for Adults
  2. On the left hand side there is a space for the user name and password. Ignore this. Continue down the left hand column and click the word registration.
  3. Click “Begin the registration process”
  4. From the drop down list, choose “San Bernardino (Diocese)”,click the word Select.
  5. Create a User Name.  The recommendation is to use your e-mail address.  Then create a password.  Please make sure you write this user name and password down because we do not have access to this information.  Only the VIRTUS Company has the information.
  6. Go to the next screen and begin filling in the information for each box.  You only need to list your daytime phone.  At the bottom, click the word continue.
  7. The next screen is where you choose where you work, volunteer or worship
    Priests & DPC employees, use the drop down menu and choose “Diocesan Pastoral Center” or all other employees, choose the name of the parish or school where you work. Click the word continue.
  8. Employees only, choose YES if you would like to choose additional location, then, click continue
  9. Place your title in the box or it can remain blank.
  10. The next screen is the roles screen.  Please make sure there is a check in the box for your ministry. You may choose more than one role. Employee, Volunteer.
  11. Answer the 3 questions on the next screen and then click continue.
    • Click NO for the question, “Have you already attended a session?
    • The next screen lists all of the training sessions scheduled for our Diocese.  If you are going to attend a training session choose that session. 
  12. Then, choose OK. 
  13. The next screen will remind you what to do to register for a training session. 

    If you have questions, call the help desk 888-847-8870.